Free Nutrition Counseling Available For You
The home-delivered meal programs offer free, private, one-on-one nutrition counseling that is available by request or by phone to all who have completed a TSC registration form. You don’t have to be on a special “diet” to make an appointment. Expert nutritional advice will be provided and we will work with you to develop a plan to address your personal nutrition goals. Between what you hear on TV and read in the news, good nutrition and eating right can seem like a real challenge. Even knowing who to turn to for help and advice can be confusing.
Registered Dietitians or RD (also known as Registered Dietitian Nutritionists) are food and nutrition experts, who translate the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living.
RDs have met academic and professional requirements,
Then, what is a Nutritionist?
A “Nutritionist” can also be someone who helps people understand how food and nutrition impact health. But, be aware that any person may call themselves a nutrition expert or nutritionist regardless of education or training, even if they are wholly self-taught. Be sure to ask about qualifications when considering someone for nutrition advice. Your doctor or another medical professional will be able to recommend a qualified nutrition professional.
1. You have diabetes, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, or digestive problems. A Registered Dietitian will help you fine-tune your diet so you are not aggravating your condition but rather aiming toward health and healing.
2. Perhaps you need to gain or lose weight. A Registered Dietitian can suggest additional or different calorie sources for healthy weight gain or a restricted-calorie eating plan with appropriate regular physical activity for weight loss while allowing you to still eat your favorite foods.
3. Your nutrition needs are changing due to aging. A Registered Dietitian can help with food or drug interaction, proper hydration, special diets for hypertension, and changing taste buds that occur with aging.
4. You want to eat smarter. A Registered Dietitian can help you sort through misinformation, learn how to read labels at the supermarket, discover that healthy cooking is not expensive, learn how to resist temptation, and learn how to eat out without ruining your eating plan.
5. You want to do everything you can to prevent disease. A Registered Dietitian can help you improve your nutrition, giving you the best chance to prevent illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. You can't change your genetic risk of illnesses, but you can give yourself a better chance at beating the odds.
Again, I will be happy to provide you with expert nutritional advice and work with you to develop a plan to address your personal nutrition goals. Just give me a call at (719) 271-1664. I look forward to speaking with you!
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